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The human resource department is the backbone for any company. This is because they have to deal with the human element within and outside the organisation, which is totally unpredictable. Until and unless the HR professionals function effectively, the organisation is going to fall down like a pack of cards, sometime or the other. Therefore the HR folks have to act responsibly while dealing with the organisational affairs, and most importantly the humans. For an HR management to be successful, some key skills must be mastered by them. These have been enumerated as follows:



It is very important to follow Fayol’s principle “unity of order” in an organisation, for HR management to be successful. This principle states that rights things should be kept at the right place, and the workplace should be more organised and well maintained. This makes the work of an HR easier, as files, records, etc. can be tracked down faster, and without any hassle.


Ethics is, “knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do”. Sometimes situation arise, when an HR manager has to choose between the employee and the company. No matter what, he should give priority to ethics first, not forgetting that he has to abide by company policies too.


The HR department has to communicate the most within and outside the organisation- to superiors, to department heads, to managers, to subordinates, to potential employees, and more. Therefore, communication is one of the most important skills that an HR manager must acquire, and is an absolute must for anyone who is an HR person.


An HR is the person, to whom en employee comes and reports his grievances. Suppose there is a case of sexual assault that has been alleged by a woman employee. It becomes crucial for the HR manager to be clear about the nature of the allegation, “was it a sexual assault?” “Was it discrimination?” “Is the complaint justifiable?” The HR manager needs to get to the root of the problem, and after maintaining adequate clarity should come to a proper conclusion, after listening to both parties. He should have good negotiating skills as well.


An HR is not meant for recruitment only. There are hundreds of other jobs that an HR person is expected to perform. For example, preparing appraisals, sanctioning leaves, counselling a de-motivated employee, etc… Being an HR person is not a very relaxing job, eh?


Be it any organisation, conflicts whether internal or external are bound to happen in it. Therefore, an HR person must be well equipped to deal with such kinds of adverse situations. He must be a quick problem solver, and be excellent at conflict management.


Management is dynamic, because the environment in which a business operates today is dynamic that is constantly changing. Most employees are generally resistant to undergo changes. An effective HR manager should have the key skill of ‘change management’ to deal with such people.