Importance of Punctuality

Promptness is the virtue of the bored. Arriving late was a way of saying that yours time was major profitable than the time of the person who stay for you. Punctuality Advantages: Key to success is Punctuality. A punctual man in his everyday life enjoys certain advantages which others man don’t get. When you reach …

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Easy Management

We have added in a few features that help you manage attendance more easily. 1>Leave Management So every time some one needs to apply for a leave, they come upto you or send you an email. Well thats how old people do it! With, users can simple click apply and enter the date and …

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The first roadblock to an app based attendance system is security and accuracy. Thus we innovated a few new ways to make sure your attendance is secure and accurate. 1>Using WIFI for Attendance Check In Its a revolutionary idea to use something as simple as the WIFI ssid to authenticate the users location while checking …

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How to Bring Innovation to the Workplace?

As the world, the time is changing rapidly day by day – with every second there is a step taken for an innovation in the whole world. In the today’s world, Change is itself stability. If an organization doesn’t accept innovative changes, it cannot survive in this age of continuous change. Organizations therefor try to …

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How to increase office attendance and punctuality?

How to get your employees on time, everyday? So you walked in early this morning, opened the doors and found out that your office is empty.You keep waiting in the front desk, to realise its well past 10 AM and nobody has yet shown up. Well people, are lazy, specially in small to mid sized …

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