
When I click IN, it logs me out

This is an issue on some android devices, specifically Xiaomi devices.

Please try again. This issue is due to modifications over android by Xiaomi, we have tried our best to minimize this issue but still, we see that out of 10 checkins, 1 gives out an error.

We hope that this will get fixed in upcoming xiaomi updates

I have signed up, But my admin isnt getting my attendance

Signing up directly in, creates an admin account for you.

If you want to give attendance for someone, please ask them to add you from their admin portal. You will recieve an email with a link to join or activate your account.

Is the app compatible to all devices?

Yes, the app is compatible to all android and ios devices. However, if there is an issue with your particular device, please drop an email at [email protected] with the device details such as model, software version and manufacturer.